The Stowaway by Paul Fenner
RDS Alumni:
Richard Burton Untitled
Laura Broughton Post Party
Nick Bush Cliff at Saltdean
Lindsey McLean Two Figures in their Landscape
Paul Fenner The Stowaway
Laura Smith Fish
RDS Academic Board Members:
Timothy Hyman RA Melancholy in the City of our Life, Timothy Hyman RA Ludgate Rises Up, Timothy Hyman RA At Hays Wharf Galleria, Andrzej Jackowski At the Lining – Flowers and At the Lining – Forest, Eileen Hogan Self Portrait through Wardrobe.
RDS visiting artists:
Rose Wylie RA Spider, Frog and Bird, Humphrey Ocean RA Joyride, Merlin James Suck, Chris Orr Plague of Frog
RDS Faculty:
Ishbel Myerscough Friends, Robert Dukes Cat Skull, Mary Millner Red Cow and Calf, Julie Held The Gift – The City.
The exhibition also includes pencil drawings by the late Ellsworth Kelly Hon RA.